Technical Communication Resources
On this page you will find a variety of resources discussing key points of technical communication. Each resource contains an explanatory video, explanatory handout, and related exercise sheet. Please use the tabs below to find the information most relevant to your individual or classroom needs. Each section will then contain links to the resources. Check back often because we are regularly adding new resources each semester.
Lab Reports are an essential part of communication in STEM. Below are a series of resources to guide your Lab Report from start to finish.
Lab reports featured video
How to approach a lab report
Writing and introduction to a laboratory report
Writing a methods section to a laboratory report
How to write a hypothesis
The purpose of a lab report
Using headings in report organization
Writing a results section
Writing a conclusion
There are several aspects of writing which can affect the quality of your work. This section focuses on high order concerns such as analysis, incorporating evidence, and organization. Use these resources to create strong and cohesive projects.
General writing featured video
Alternative techniques in report organization
Analyzing evidence
Approaches to collaborative writing
Avoiding vague language
Biased language
Communicating with a non-technical audience
Conclusion section
Credibility: quoting and paraphrasing
Discussion section
General tips for notetaking
How to write an abstract for a conference
How to write an effective summary
How to write an executive summary
How to write an introduction for a research paper
How to write a personal statement
Identifying and understanding stakeholders
Interdisciplinary communications
Introduction to editing and revision
The late stages of revision
Outlining a paper
Planning for a big paper
Publishing Open-Source Data
Recommendations section
Results section
Science and public relations
Storytelling and narrative in science writing
Using Bulleted Lists
Using qualitative and quantitative data
Writing abstracts for papers
Writing an intro in a dissertation or thesis
Writing a literature review
Writing a professional email
Writing for a STEM audience
Writing synthesis
Writing your first paper
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) style guide is common in many engineering fields.
The first video explains the nature of a citation. The second video explains how you can incorporate an IEEE citation into your writing. The final video provides you with five tips for IEEE citation style.